This is code based off of the work done to measure the physical parameters of a bicycle and rider at both the UCD Sports Biomechanics Lab and the TU Delft Bicycle Dynamics Lab. Physical parameters include but are not limited to the geometry, mass, mass location and mass distribution of the bicycle rider system. The code is structured around the Whipple bicycle model and fundamentally works with and produces the parameters presented in Meijaard 2007 [Meijaard2007], due to the fact that these parameters have been widely adopted as a benchmark. But the software is also capable of generating parameter sets for more complex rider biomechanical models. More detail can be found in our papers and the website and in References.
Parameter Manipulation¶
Loads bicycle parameter sets from a text file into a python object.
Generates the benchmark parameter set for a real bicycle from experimental data.
Generates the rider parameter set from human measurements based on the Yeadon model configured to sit on the bicycle.
Plots a descriptive drawing of the bicycle and/or rider.
Generates publication quality tables of parameters.
Basic Linear Analysis¶
Calculates the A and B matrices for the Whipple bicycle model linearized about the upright configuration.
Calculates the canonical matrices for the Whipple bicycle model linearized about the upright configuration.
Calculates the eigenvalues for the Whipple bicycle model linearized about the upright configuration.
Plots the eigenvalue root loci as a function of speed as eigenvalue vs speed.
Plots Bode diagrams of the open loop transfer functions.
Refer to Example Usage for examples of the features.
Upcoming Features¶
Converts benchmark parameters to other parametrizations.
Calculates the transfer functions of the open loop system.
Example Code¶
>>> import bicycleparameters as bp
>>> import numpy as np
>>> rigid = bp.Bicycle('Rigid')
>>> par = rigid.parameters['Benchmark']
>>> rigid.plot_bicycle_geometry()
>>> speeds = np.linspace(0., 10., num=100)
>>> rigid.plot_eigenvalues_vs_speed(speeds, show=True)
The methods associated with this software were built upon these previous works, among others.
Roland J R ., R. D., and Massing , D. E. A digital computer simulation of bicycle dynamics. Calspan Report YA-3063-K-1, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Buffalo, NY, 14221, Jun 1971. Prepared for Schwinn Bicycle Company, Chicago, IL 60639.
Meijaard, J. P.; Papadopoulos, J. M.; Ruina, A. & Schwab, A. L. Linearized dynamics equations for the balance and steer of a bicycle: A benchmark and review Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2007, 463, 1955-1982
Kooijman, J. D. G. (2006). Experimental validation of a model for the motion of an uncontrolled bicycle. MSc thesis, Delft University of Technology.
Kooijman, J. D. G., Schwab, A. L., and Meijaard, J. P. (2008). Experimental validation of a model of an uncontrolled bicycle. Multibody System Dynamics, 19:115–132.
Moore, J. K., Kooijman, J. D. G., Hubbard, M., and Schwab, A. L. (2009). A Method for Estimating Physical Properties of a Combined Bicycle and Rider. In Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2009, San Diego, CA, USA. ASME.
Moore, J. K., Hubbard, M., Peterson, D. L., Schwab, A. L., and Kooijman, J. D. G. (2010). An accurate method of measuring and comparing a bicycle’s physical parameters. In Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics: Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles, Delft, Netherlands.
Moore, J. K. (2012). Human Control of a Bicycle. University of California, Davis PhD Thesis.
Dembia C, Moore JK and Hubbard M. An object oriented implementation of the Yeadon human inertia model [v1; ref status: awaiting peer review,] F1000Research 2014, 3:223 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.5292.1)